RSNA 2014
100th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
“A Century Of Transforming Medicine”
From November 30 – December 5, 2014

There’s a very important tradition that takes place in Chicago at the end of every November, and it doesn’t involve turkey or football—it’s the Radiological Society of North America’s Annual Meeting and Scientific Assembly. While each year’s show is a major event for radiologists across the world, this year marks the 100th annual meeting of RSNA, and attendees will have a chance to reflect on radiology’s past while they prepare for its future.

From Nov. 30 through Dec. 5, more than 50,000 attendees will converge at McCormick Place in Chicago to hear from luminaries in the radiology community. Approximately 3,000 scientific presentations and posters will educate attendees on the latest trends and topics in radiology research, and about 2,000 education exhibits and informatics demonstrations will be on display.

As with every RSNA meeting, there will be a major focus on not only bringing attendees up to date on the latest technology, but also helping them navigate the issues of the moment. Improving the value of radiology is imperative in today’s environment, and a number of sessions will prepare attendees to become leaders in this area. The American College of Radiology’s Imaging 3.0 campaign—which is focused on broadening radiologists’ role in shaping America’s future healthcare system—will have a presence at the meeting. Attendees also will have the chance to learn about the changing economics of radiology brought on by recent reforms.

But among the highlights of RSNA 2014 will surely be the ongoing tribute to the first 100 years of the society and the last century of radiology in general. The Centennial Showcase, a free-flowing interactive exhibit open for the duration of the meeting, will look back at radiology’s achievements, including historic science and technology. Attendees will be able to try diagnosing vintage images using only the tools of early radiologists in the “Cases of the Century” exhibit. A virtual incarnation of Wilhelm Roentgen, the father of radiology, will be in attendance, and visitors will have a chance to explore a replica of his lab.

South – Hall A: 2560